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Dr. Lisa Petronis

Licensed Clinical Psychologist  Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Meet Dr. Lisa

Walking alongside people for over twenty years.

The Game of Life


I've loved and played sports my entire life. When I was a kid, I was given the nickname Mike Tyson by my softball coaches. In that era, Tyson's knock out punch was extraordinary. As for me, I understood that my nickname was a great compliment to my own extraordinary power hitting the softball. The most legendary event in my softball career was was the day I crushed the ball so hard I knocked the cover off! Down the road some years when I played basketball in college I was given the nickname Charles Barkley. Like Barkley, while not the tallest player in the paint, I came to dominate as a powerful rebounder against players  much bigger and more talented than myself.  My physical strength was a force to be reckoned with on the court.


 Personal strength is a characteristic of myself I came to appreciate as it was recognized and celebrated by others. Through sports and through life, it was made apparent to me that the strength I possessed, which came to be a source of joy and goodness, not just for myself but for those around me, was the virtue of fortitude.


Further still down the road in December of 2023 I began boxing. I have been boxing five days a week since. At the gym they call me "The Blueprint" which I think is a a testament to the ingredients of determination, perseverance and hard work I bring to training each day. So many lessons I learned from sports apply to life. Sports, like life, is a training ground for virtue. In sports as in life there are certain fundamentals, which are the universal guidelines and principles that lead to greatness.  More times than I can count my coaches would instruct me back to the fundamentals as a way to get back in the game and overcome the challenge I was confronted with. We all need coaches who can see the big picture, who know deeply the fundamentals of the game, can draw out from us our best, and keep us on the right path when we lose our way.


In sport, as in life, those who journey with us can see in us, things that sometimes we cannot see in ourselves. The special ones who accompany us on our many roads can provide us with encouragement and support to strengthen gifts and talents. Journeying with people for over twenty years has shown me again and again the powerful effect I have in people's lives. Grounded in wisdom about the fundamentals of life and living, I am able to help people find their way, stay focused on the good things in life, and achieve their best.


Now a middle aged, woman I am every bit the strong passionate person everyone wanted on their team. I share this so you will know, that when we team up, we can accomplish great things together.


Do you know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize. Run so as to win. Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one. 1 Cor 9:24-25


What I specialize in

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety negatively affects life on every level. You will be supported in learning new strategies that will foster change and relief.

Marital and Family Struggles

Out of family life can emerge our greatest joys and greatest sorrows. I understand the difficulties married couples and families confront.  Increased intimacy, communication, quality time,  conflict resolution, peace, joy and love are the fruits of relationship work.

Trauma and Hurt

You can heal from trauma and hurt. Free from the effects of traumatizing and hurtful experiences you can live life more fully.

Faithful Catholic

In fidelity to the Magisterium, I am able integrate Catholic faith and spirituality into treatment. In my personal and professional life,  I am grounded in my Catholic faith and teachings of the Catholic Church.

Hope and Happiness

I could not do what I do without hope. I share my hope with those I work with as we set out on the road towards happiness. 

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I walk with people on their journeys towards peace and happiness.

The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness. - 

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Let's take a shot at the good life. -

Dr. Lisa


But in the end it is only a passing thing this shadow; even darkness must pass. - J.R.R. Tolkien

For Existing Clients with a Scheduled Appointment

To Contact Dr. Lisa

9666 Businesspark Ave. Ste, 101

San Diego, CA 92131      Phone: 619-787-2771

© 2021 by Lisa Petronis

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